Portrait of France Trudel

France Trudel


Born to a business mother and an artist father, I’ve always been somewhere between the two. When I was young, my dream was to become a fashion designer. Today I am co-owner of an alpaca farm and a creator. I design clothes and accessories by working the entire wool process. Washing, carding, spinning, felting, drawing and knitting are all part of me. Anything artisitc motivates me.

I offer my creations to the public and I love running workshops that allow people to discover wool working. It is an honour for me to share this knowledge in a simple and pleasant atmosphere.

Team work nourishes me and I am fortunate that I can count on the support and teachings of local artisans to inspire me in my many projects.

We are extremely lucky and privileged to have a place such as Le Vivoir. I am delighted to be part of this magnificent project.

Check out this artist’s work

Some of the artist’s pieces can be seen in Le Vivoir’s online store.