Marie-Soleil Vaillancourt



Portrait of the artist Marie-Soleil Vaillancourt

After several years without touching brushes, it was in the fall of 2021 that the idea of testing watercolor appeared to me! Of all the mediums used previously, this is the one that resonated with me the most. I would even say that it was instantly the start of a long love story!

With all its voluptuousness and transparency, watercolor inspires me in my unique, symbolic and poetic representations of fauna and flora. Being very in contact with the forest, I take pleasure in observing with gratitude what surrounds me. Thus, my art is refined and refined. Just like nature, it is constantly evolving, to the rhythm of the seasons.

The strong connection between my heart and mother earth is the most precious thing I have. For me, it’s the basis of everything. Through my works imbued with gentleness and respect, I wish to convey my admiration for the infinite grandeur of this ecosystem in which we are fortunate to evolve.

My intrinsic mission is to revive this exceptional connection between the heart and nature.




Œuvres fabriquées à la main avec amour

Every artworks is handmade with lots of love!

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